The Paintings of Joe Cauchi (1905-1987)

The 1930's,  Watercolors

Joe composed these sketches on paper during his travels in New York state and beyond, from 1935-1940.  Because he considered them studies, they have never been viewed or exhibited until the display on this web site as of May 2001.

Joe Cauchi: fisherman watercolor (c) 2001
fishermen - watercolor sketch

Joe Cauchi: woman in blue watercolor - (c) 2001
woman in blue - watercolor sketch

Joe Cauchi: farmer watercolor (c) 2001
farmer with pitchfork

jc_p317.jpg (16346 bytes)
driving the hay wagon -

Joe Cauchi: woman with basket pastel - (c) 2001
woman with basket

Joe Cauchi: The vendor in New York (c) 2001
cart vendor in New York

Joe Cauchi: woman seated pastel (c) 2001
woman seated - pastel sketch

Joe Cauchi: construction worker in NY (c) 2001
construction worker in New York - watercolor sketch



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© 2007 by R. Cauchi, Colorado Access 2000

for more information, contact R. Cauchi - Denver, Colorado

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rev. 3/21/2007